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West Nile Virus detected in Tipton Co

TIPTON — Officials in Tipton County are urging residents to take extra precautions after a pool of mosquitos tested positive for West Nile Virus.

The Indiana Department of Health has been conducting mosquito surveillance all summer, according to a Tipton County Health Department media release, and officials stated the mosquitos that tested positive for West Nile Virus were discovered during the routine surveillance.

Continue reading to learn more, written for Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Ind.


September 23, 2024

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Pharos-Tribune, Logansport, Ind.


The Pharos-Tribune is a Monday through Saturday morning newspaper based in Logansport, Indiana, covering Cass County, Indiana. The newspaper and its commercial printing facility in Logansport's Industrial Park are owned by Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.

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