Announcing the 2024 It’s Still Summer Giveaway

Why let the end of summer slow you down? Adventure knows no season, and neither do we! To keep the end-of-summer blues at bay, we’re excited to announce the 2024 It’s Still Summer Giveaway, presented by The Trek, Hammock Gear, and Minus33 Merino Wool — a MASSIVE gear giveaway for trail and hiking enthusiasts alike.

It’s Still Summer Giveaway 2024
We’ve partnered with 27 of your favorite outdoor brands to deliver a giveaway unlike any other. With over $15,500 worth of gear up for grabs, this is your chance to score some of the best outdoor gear on the market. With everything from the best ultralight products to luxurious campsite essentials, you’ll definitely want to seize the opportunity to win one of our ten prize packages.

Continue reading to learn more, written by Kendra Slagter.


October 27, 2024

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Kendra Slagter

Entusiasta de cerveja artesanal, caminhante, viciado em aventuras e aspirante a jornalista. Tenho uma paixão pelo ar livre e por mergulhar no espaço selvagem. Quando não estou a viajar e a documentar as minhas aventuras, estou à procura de histórias sobre pessoas inspiradoras e a partilhá-las com o mundo através da narração de histórias e da videografia. Desde a ponta do Monte Quénia até aos trilhos de Ontário, acredito que há histórias em todo o mundo que merecem ser partilhadas.

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