Popular Mechanics: How to Turn Your Vehicle into a Camper in a Weekend

With a few upgrades, you'll be ready for a comfortable camping trip.

Five years ago this fall I unceremoniously drove across the country, running away from a mid-20s crisis. Using my 2003 Subaru Forester as an escape pod, I topped out at 90 mph on the salt flats outside Salt Lake, saddling the underpowered four-?cylinder
with everything I owned while redlining from California to my parents’ home in Minnesota.

The following weekend, in a state of drunken optimism, I converted my beloved hatchback to a tiny home on wheels. Surprisingly, my parents expressed little dismay. My dad even lent a hand, helping me pull out the rear seats and build plywood shelving. Five months later, when my Subaru bit the dust, I upgraded my vehicle to a Toyota Tacoma. My nomadic life chapter ended this August, some 195,000 miles and 1,000 gas station coffees later. Due to a plethora of factors (and, ahem, COVID-19), I was ready for more routine.

See the full article from Andy Cochrane on Popular Mechanic's website here.


January 6, 2025

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